Parenting Teens with Dr. Cam
Feeling lost with your teenager? This podcast is your ultimate guide to surviving (and thriving!) during the teen years. Here’s why you NEED this podcast in your life: 🦋 Decode confusing teenage behavior 🦋 Boost their confidence and resilience 🦋 Build a stronger connection with your teen Dr. Cam, the Teen Translator offers support, encouragement, and actionable advice for common teen challenges like anxiety, attitude, tech use, and more! The teen years don’t have to be a struggle. YOU have the power to transform them into a beautiful journey of growth, understanding, and connection. 📬 Prefer to get tips by email? Sign up for my newsletter at 💕 Know another parent who might benefit from some teen-decoding magic? Share this podcast and spread the word! #ParentingTeens #Podcast #teenagers #parentingpodcast #drcam #theteentranslator #ParentingTips #TeenBodyImage #ParentingConcerns #HealthyTeens #BodyPositivity #SocialMediaLiteracy #TeenMentalHealth
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Online Safety for Teens with Cathy Pedrayes
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
If you’re worried about what your teen is doing online, concerned they’ll fall prey to predators, and can’t seem to get through to them how dangerous the internet can be, this episode is for you. I’m joined by Safety and Security Influencer Cathy Pedrayes to share tips for keeping our teens safe online.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Get Cathy’s free ebook: The Mom Friend Guide to Everyday Safety and Security
Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Secrets for Raising Teens:
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Monday Jun 13, 2022
How to connect with teens with Elise Knox
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
If you’re frustrated because your teen refuses to talk to you, wants little to do with you or the rest of family, or snaps at you when you provide guidance, this episode is for you. I’m joined by former middle school teacher turned coach Elise Knox. She shares tips on how to connect with our teens with her three steps to listening without judgment.
Key Takeaways
If we haven't healed our past traumas or relationship issues, we project that onto our kids.
Be aware of your face, body language, and energy. They pick up on that.
If you shut them down and judge them enough times, they will stop coming to you.
CBA of listeningClarity: What do they need from you? Advice or empathy.
Breathe: Open your body language, open your mind, and calm your nervous system, so that you can be that open space for them to come and share
Accept: Understand that they're learning how to process things in different ways.
If you’re shocked by what they say or don’t’ know what to say, ask, “tell me more.” This puts the ball back in their court and gives you time to compose yourself to process whatever they've said.
Beware of futurecasting, which is thinking if they’re doing this now, they’ll always do it. They're never going to get a job. They’re never going to talk to me again.
Parenting teens can feel isolating. See outside support and help. You’re not alone.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Elise’s free communication guide:
Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Secrets for Raising Teens:
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Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Dealing with Disrespectful Teens
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
In this episode, I answer the following parent question: Nothing we do makes our daughter happy. Why can’t she just accept a comment, advice, suggestion without complaining and pushing back? How can I make her listen and accept what she is being told without an argument?
Key Takeaways
Allow them to voice their opinions without retribution.
Rather than getting mad that they are resistant, get curious and find out why.
Model what it looks like to listen, by listening to them first.
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Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Taming Teen Temper Tantrums
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
In this episode, I provide tips for addressing teen anger. This is in response to the following parent questions:
What is the best way to diffuse a teen who is in the middle of a temper flare-up?
How should a parent respond in the moment of frustration (both on the part of the parent and teen)?
Key Takeaways
Your teen’s emotions/meltdowns are a response to their brain’s fire alarm alerting them that they are not safe and need to protect themselves.
Understand the situation from their perspective. Why are they upset?
Proactively decide how you are going to response in a way that brings the temperature down and clears the smoke.
Find ways to prevent the need for blow ups and teach them strategies to express emotions more effectively and respectively.
Next time your teen’s fire alarm goes off, respond calmly and focus on what they need to feel safe.
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Sunday May 29, 2022
How to help teens take accountability with Jeff Otis
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
In this episode, I’m joined by Jeff Otis, the founder of the personal leadership platform, Project OTY. Jeff is going to clue us in to why teens may resist taking accountability, how to encourage them to take more accountability, and how to help them uncover a sense of purpose and own their future.
Key Takeaways
The three O’s: Own your time, own your education, and own your organization
We need to acknowledge that we've got a generation of young adults growing up in a world that none of us have experienced. The speed at which information is coming at them is off the charts. It's becoming more difficult to take ownership and make decisions when it feels like the future is fuzzy and unsure.
Help them build their roadmap to create their purpose. Shift the focus to what they want their world to look like five years from today. Define success. Create a visual representation of what success looks like. If you can see it, you start to believe it, and then you start taking those steps to achieve it.
One of the challenges we see in education is that it is very career focused. I think we're doing a disservice to young adults and teens by talking about picturing the rest of their life. That feels overwhelming.
Change doesn’t happen overnight, be a little bit patient. You're in the middle of what's happening and often you can get caught up reacting to what's happening. When it becomes frustrating, this is an opportunity to pause for a moment, step back and look at why it's happening. When we start to unpeel, we see the uncertainty and fears that need to be addressed.
There are four stages to learningUnconscious incompetence: You don't know what you don't know
Conscious incompetence: You realize you don't know what you need to know.
Conscious competence: You know what to do, but you still must think about it for a little bit.
Unconscious competence: Everything's on a reflex.
Start exploring opportunities that are in alignment with your child’s unique strengths. Introduce them to different solutions and help them acknowledge and understand what their unique strengths are and how to leverage then today to move themselves forward.
We encourage young adults to reach out to 10 people that they trust to be honest with them, and ask them, “How would you describe my unique strength?” What strengths above all others seem to come effortlessly for me? This does a few thingsIt’s an immediate confidence boost for the young adult.
They'll see strengths they may not have recognized in themselves.
They're developing a list of strengths they can leverage going forward.
New strengths are going to develop as we experience new things, but at every given point a young adult needs to be aware of what strengths they can leverage right now.
Accountability starts with young adults identifying their unique strengths and how they can leverage them. When they can imagine a future they are passionate to go build, they will start getting out of bed a lot earlier on their own.
“As a parent, it's vitally important to be aware that your child is a unique individual.”
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Monday May 09, 2022
How to Get Teen Sleep on Track with Dr. Cara Ooi
Monday May 09, 2022
Monday May 09, 2022
Episode Summary
In this episode, I’m joined by sleep physician and youth psychiatrist Dr. Cara Ooi. Dr. Ooi is going to clue us in to why the teen years are a perfect storm for insomnia, the most common mistakes parents make when trying to get their teen’s sleep back on track and the three things we can do instead.
Key Takeaways
The teen years create the perfect storm for insomnia. There is a natural delay in their body clock, which makes it difficult for them to fall asleep; they aren’t coping well with stress, which makes it challenging to unwind at night; they spend a lot of time hanging out on their beds, which creates an association with an awake alert state.
Common mistake #1: Insisting teens get to bed too early. Their bodies aren't ready for sleep until 12 or one. If their bedtime is before that, they end up spending 2-3 hours in bed not sleeping. This can snowball into more anxiety and frustration and strengthens a negative association with their bed, which makes it even more difficult to sleep.
Common mistake #2: Don’t start by taking screens away. This creates conflict right before bed, which disrupts sleep more than the screens do. It also erodes connection, which means they’ll dig their heels in more.
Common mistake #3: Trying to convince them by telling them the benefits of sleep. This tends to be counterproductive
Tips to reset your teen’s sleep:
Delay their bedtime to better match up with when they are actually sleepy, to retrain their association with their bed to being in calm, sleepy state and good sleep.
Create a cozy nook. A place that is separate from their bed but provides the same comfort and privacy. This can be a fun project to do together.
Create a sleep kit to put next to their bed so they don’t default to staring at their phone if they wake up. Can include notebook and pen, book or magazine, coloring book.
Minimize the amount of light in the room as much as possible. The darker the better.
Meet your teen where they’re at. Find a reason to get better sleep that is important to them. For example, if they love video games, better sleep can improve their reaction time.
If you want to reset their sleep schedule, make small incremental changes to give their body the opportunity to adjust.
Resources Mentioned in This Episode
Learn more about Dr. Ooi on her website and snag her free resources: The Parent’s Jumpstart Guide to Help Your Teen Sleep Better and I'm Exhausted but I Can't Sleep Webinar
Tune into her podcast series: Find the Eight
You can also connect with Dr. Ooi on Instagram + Tik Tok @decodeinsomnia
I’d love to hear from you too! Send me a message on Facebook or Instagram.
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Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Tackling Teen Behavior Problems with Kimball Lewis
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Thursday Feb 10, 2022
Disrespect, backtalk, and lying are just a few of the problematic teen behaviors many parents are trying to deal with. What do you do when you’ve tried everything, and nothing seems to work? That’s what we’re going to tackle in today’s episode.
I’m joined by Kimball Lewis, the CEO of (@ParentingAdvice). In addition to his leadership and management roles, he contributes as an editor, a homeschooling expert, and a parent coach. Kimball is frequently interviewed by CBS News in Tampa Bay, Florida, for his expert parenting adviceFREE STUFF!
Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Secrets for Raising Teens:
Coupon code CAM10 good for $10 off the first month's subscription of The Total Transformation Online Package.
If you found this episode valuable, please take a quick moment to comment and share. This helps other parents like you find the show. Thank you!!
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
How to Have a Happy Divorce with Nikki & Ben
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Tuesday Feb 08, 2022
Navigating divorce and stepparenting is challenging for everyone involved, but statistics show it’s particularly difficult for teen-aged children. Fortunately, there are things we can do to ease the transition and even thrive.
Today I’m joined by authors of @ourhappydivorce Nikki DeBartolo and Ben Heldfond. Although their marriage has been over for nearly a decade, Nikki and Ben have learned how to create a happy life with each other and their new families. They are sharing their story in hopes of empowering and inspiring people to think differently about divorce, co-parenting, step-parenting, and what it means to put kids first. FREE STUFF!
Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Secrets for Raising Teens:
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Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Breaking Free from Social Anxiety with Mark Metry
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Thursday Feb 03, 2022
Is your teen’s fear of being around a lot of people, getting called on in class, or having to talk to someone new making it feel impossible to go to school or out in public? Are you worried that they are becoming too isolated but don’t know how to help? Then this episode is for you.
I’m joined by Mark Metry, a 24-year-old mental health advocate, Forbes featured TEDx keynote speaker, host of the Social Anxiety Society podcast, and author of "Screw Being Shy.” Mark’s Kick Social Anxiety program helps people break free from anxiety by rewiring their brain, and today he’s going to give us some tips on how to best support our socially anxious teens. FREE STUFF!
Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Secrets for Raising Teens:
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Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Teens, Porn, and Sexting with Sean Clifford
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Did you know that almost half of our kids have been exposed to sexting by the time they were 14 and that number continues to grow? As a mom of a 15-year-old daughter that scares me.
That’s why I’ve invited Sean Clifford, CEO and Founder of Canopy to join me today. A father of 4 young children, Sean founded Canopy in 2019 to protect children from pornography and help families take advantage of what’s good about the Internet without the bad.
In this episode, Sean is teaching us how to help our teens navigate technology safely.
Dr. Cam’s Top 10 Secrets for Raising Teens:
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